Make Room for New Toys in Time for Christmas

No matter how many times I tell grandparents that experiences are the best gifts or suggest to Santa that what kids really need are new school clothes, inevitably, TOYS arrive every December 25th. I’m no Scrooge (well, sometimes, I can be a bit of a grinch) but as the years go on rather than fight it, I prepare for the incoming holiday gifts to reduce stress and enjoy the holidays more!
It’s fun to experience Christmas morning and the surprise of presents under the tree. Yet part of me always dreads the haul of new stuff that enters the house! I don’t want to open their playroom closet door and an avalanche of unopened toys fall out and smother us all! But, of course, being a Professional Organizer, I know just the tips to help declutter kids’ toys before the sleigh of stuff arrives – so you can keep your sanity AND your space intact!
Here’s my top advice for how to declutter your children’s toys so you can purge in time for Christmas.
Wondering how much of a difference organizing your kid’s toys will make? Get inspired by these before and after photos of the client’s playroom that we helped them organize:

Sort Out The Toys That Need to Go
Get yourself a giant cup of coffee, roll up the sleeves, play some upbeat music – like what you listened to in your car when you first learned to drive. It’s time to declutter the children’s toys!
The easiest category to declutter is those they have outgrown by age group. Are they into Power Rangers and no longer Paw Patrol? Maybe Barbie has taken over the Fisher-Price Little People. Then there are some toys that are just a flop. If a toy can’t keep the kids entertained for more than five minutes, it’s usually not worth keeping around.
Collect each ‘alike’ category and – if you have a complete set in good condition – you could consider selling on app like NextDoor or Let it Go. You can also use Facebook Marketplace which has Buy, Sell, Trade groups by neighborhood. Think garage sale pricing so that it’s gone in 1-2 days.
If this sounds like a chore, then let it be a blessing and donate those toys to an Assistance Ministries or Women & Children’s Shelter!
If a toy is broken or has missing pieces, it’s time to say a final goodbye! These aren’t appropriate for donating or selling and should be put in the trash.
Be ruthless, this is survival of the fittest toys! Also, refill on your caffeine as needed to keep the energy going and change up the playlist!
‘Not Sure’ or Nostalgic Toys Need a Vacation
There are going to be toys that are nostalgic to you or that you are fond of and even though your tots have outgrown them, you contemplate saving for future nieces/nephews or grandchildren.
Contrary to popular belief about Professional Organizers, we are NOT devoid of sentimental emotion!! There is a Melissa & Doug wood castle with little knights and princesses in my attic for just this reason. That’s okay!
As long as you have a spot to store these – not in the playroom or main play area – then I grant you the permission to keep! Be edited in these choices as things may not always survive storage and are better to be played with.
Perhaps you have a toy group that you’re unsure about (in my case, currently it is a toddler kitchen set). Maybe your kids rarely play with that train set but you’re not ready to send it out the door. Try removing this ‘not sure’ group of toys by tucking it away in a closet, attic or garage – and see if they ask about it in the next few months.
I call this “going on vacation” when we try to live without the thing that might be clutter and see how it goes. This will keep them out of sight of the little ones, who may soon forget about them and you’ll be able to do the final removal more easily.
Clean and Organize the Toys
To help you with this process you can also refer to our specialized strategy of our ROAR Organizing Process.
It never fails, I need a tube of disinfectant wipes when attacking a kids space! There are stickers on everything and food smears – and why is all so gooey?
You must categorize each toy group to be able to make informed decisions on what stays and what goes. Then once you are left with what is staying, each group can be returned to its rightful home. You will know the spot this toy group will need to go later, when once a month you micro-manage your kids into cleaning up. For more on organizing toys check out How to Choose the Right Toy Storage Solution.
- Toss: toss out any broken ones (like we mentioned above),
- Keep: keep the ones that are still in good condition and that your kids still love and enjoy, and
- Donate: donate any that your kids have outgrown but that are still in good condition, or that they simply no longer enjoy
This process also helps you not accidentally buy your kid a toy that they already have for Christmas – we’re all busy and it can happen! It also lets you see the gaps – such as if you want a few more educational toys, you can more easily make a list of ideas for the grandparents, otherwise they might send junk. Best to give them options that fit your child’s interest!
Store Your Kids’ Toys Together In Organized Containers
Parents everywhere can now breathe a collective sigh of relief, as the decluttering of children’s toys is now in the rearview window!

With organized containers, parents can easily store children’s toys in one place and make sure that their living space stays as clutter-free as possible with tiny tornadoes living in your home. And the containers don’t necessarily need to be the boring but super functional plastic bins (we always love the basics like this storage box from Container Store) – kid’s favorite storage options like this cute Otter hanging wall organizer can be fun plus functional.
So grab some storage containers, gather your kids’ toys, and get organized!
Here’s some tips on ways you might organize the toys into categories:
- Puzzles and Games: Board games, card games, jigsaw puzzles, brainteasers, etc.
- Building Blocks: LEGO sets, wooden blocks, magnetic tiles, etc.
- Dolls and Dollhouses: Dolls, dollhouses and accessories such as furniture and clothing.
- Action Figures and Play Sets: Action figures and play sets such as cars and playsets.
- Outdoor Toys: Balls, Frisbees, water guns, swingsets, etc.
- Arts & Crafts Supplies: Crayons, markers, paints, clay kits and other arts & crafts supplies.
- Musical Instruments: Guitars, keyboards or drums for children to explore music-making.
We prefer all toys live in one space however if your child has multiple play areas then you will want kids’ storage where those particular items are most likely to be used.
Declutter Your Kids’ Toys Before Christmas Day!
With Christmas quickly approaching, now is the time to declutter your children’s toys so Santa has room to deliver those special gifts! By doing this, your family will have plenty of room for Santa and his presents, ensuring a magical (and fingers crossed less stressful) holiday season!
There’s nothing like sitting back to admire the work of an organized space! You – and your kids – can find things easily, and enjoy each other rather than screaming about who’s cleaning up the playroom. (Not that I’ve ever yelled in my house threatening to call the Grinch to come get all the presents under the tree if they don’t pick up their toys immediately. Ahem.)
Be Sure to Ask Your Child
When it comes to decluttering your kid’s toys, it’s important to remember to ask your child if they’re ready to part with any of their beloved items. After all, no parent wants to be surprised by a tantrum when their little ones discover their favorite stuffed animal or dinosaur in the donation pile!
Of course, how much input you decide to allow your child to have will likely depend upon their age and level of development. With slightly older kids, you may be able to explain how you plan to share the outdated toys with children who do not have as much as they are blessed with, and you’ll often find that they become willing participants.
Undertaking this activity with your children also teaches them an important life-long skill of how to periodically declutter their belongings.
So be sure to ask your child before you start clearing out the clutter – it might save you a lot of trouble!
Decluttering your children’s toys before Christmas is a great way to save space and keep things organized so that the incoming does not become overwhelming. Praying this tutorial serves you well this holiday season so you can declutter your children’s toys in time for Christmas!
Decluttering kids’ toys may seem overwhelming – but we can make it super easy when you choose us to help! Contact Us to discuss your unique organizational needs.