Why am I still NOT organized?!
This is a blog of hard TRUTH. If you’re lookin for the soft serve answer to this question honey, look somewhere else. The words following will be full of tough love but know this, we are in this TOGETHER. I don’t just mean oh girl, I got your back! (Which I do!) I mean, I am in IN IT with you! Yes, me a PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER. An expert in the very art form I also continue to grow in each and every year. Pastors are sinners, chefs eat hot dogs and I still have spaces in my home that challenge me in organization. I’m my own toughest client!
My hope and prayer is that this makes me an even better Professional Organizer. I can absolutely relate to organizing challenges – a spouse who isn’t on board, kids who disrespect their belongings on the reg, dealing with a loved ones’ possessions after a funeral and yes, I too, am an Amazon Prime member and understand the ease of accumulation we have created for ourselves.

Here’s the key – knowing why something is happening then being honest with ourselves – that’s what will get us on the other side of what we want most. Peace. Freedom. Calmness from the chaos.
So WHY are you still not organized?! I’m willing to bet a huge sum of money it’s one of the following reasons.
1. You’re out of energy.
I almost called this section “laziness” but I truly don’t think most of us are lazy, we’re just forking TIRED. We are exhausted keeping up with work, demands, kids, and the scroll of obligations so much so that at the end of the day – we don’t want to put our shoes back in their rightful home. We. Give. Up. The floor in front of the couch requires zero effort and that’s what we’re plum out of – effort!
In these instances, give yourself grace. We all can’t be perfect all the time. You’re not Jesus! I’m here to tell you, it’s not only okay, it’s completely normal to have periods and seasons of less than perfect standards.
2. You don’t have buy in from your roommates.
If you happen to be related to your roommates, it will be a lot harder to evict them. Not having buy in from your family who lives with you to keep up with the organizing systems is sure fire way to grow tension and resentment. Living with a spouse who just doesn’t care about how clean your pad is or a teenager who thinks you’re the maid? I’ve seen it all, time to call a family meeting and first understand each other and the expectations.
Compromise will be key – hopefully they will make a little more effort in the shared living areas and you will be able to loosen the reins just a smidge drill sergeant. Because you love each other, that’s why!
3. There’s no system in your organization.
There’s definitely a skill set involved when it comes to setting up an organization system. From your closet to the pantry to the garage – there’s almost a science for figuring out why something goes where and how to organize accordingly.
This is where a Professional Organizer can come in handy if you feel stumped *wink wink*. But if hiring one isn’t in the budget, just make sure you are thinking not just about what looks good but also about how often you access that item and how easily you can access it.
4. Over-accumulation.
This one is gonna sting a little. And just to reiterate – I GET IT. It’s so much easier to buy something than it is to find a home for it when it gets here. There are two ways to help overcome this epidemic of over-accumulation. The first is to be ruthless when deciding what to bring in your home.
Ask yourself questions like – do I need to use this right now or can it wait? Is there something I already own that can get the job done close enough? Can I borrow/rent this item? Where will I store when I’m not using it? These questions apply to everything from groceries to new clothes to something for your kids. And if you can’t answer that last question – this is an item to skip!
5. Your lifestyle needs an adjustment.
I was going to say reality check but adjustment sounds less aggressive. Read this twice: the more things you own, the more time you will need to manage those things – this is something I have preached about over the years. You can own as many things as you want, just know that it will take time to manage each and every single item.
If you spent just 10 minutes a week handling an item you own – using it/moving it/putting it back – that adds up to over 8.5/hours PER YEAR. Say what??!! You read that right! A full work day can be spent on a pair of shoes or a broom. This should help you be even more strict about what you bring in to your home. What I also want you to consider is that someone who loves filling their social calendar with events will be able to keep up with their space the less they own.
Do you want to write a book or manage your stamp collection? Neither is wrong – it’s about being honest with your lifestyle, your goals and how that might be affected by the things you own

Did I mention that I can relate to EVERY. SINGLE. NUMBER on this list?!
Homie, this is not me wagging my finger at you (more likely myself) but this are things I want you to read and respond to honestly. Knowing which are your hurdles to get over will be a catalyst in finally getting your life organized! And if you are completely overwhelmed, just hire us to hit the reset button. ;-p Not local? You can find a list of amazing Professional Organizers in your area at www.napo.net.
Ready to get your closet organized?! Join our Organize Your Closet Like a Pro – Online Course to have an easy to follow, step by step guide to the process! On sale for a limited time for $27!!